Monday Music with Marji on Facebook

LiveStreaming on Facebook

Making a little live music. G'wan and request something! I love doing tunes folks love to hear!!!!

I'll go live on my personal page,

I'll be delighted for you to be there and enjoy the music and request all the tunes you'd like to hear! If I can do it, I'll be delighted to! I play for about 2 hours or so, and you can be there for all or just a part of it!

If you really enjoy it and are able to send a donation, here are a couple of ways you can do that:

If sending a donation isn't something you can do, PLEASE TUNE IN AND ENJOY THE MUSIC ANYWAY! I will enjoy YOU being there! The connection is vital and I'm grateful to be able to hang out with you! And, send your requests along, whether you're able to donate or not. See you Monday, June 1! ♥ ♥ ♥